DISCLAIMER: In this episode we are going to be talking about mental health conditions and in particular suicidal thoughts and attempts. Please be aware that some people may find some of the content upsetting.

We had a really insightful time at last week’s COVER Mental Health conference. It was great to hear from our peers and new friends, about how we are all taking every step that we can to support people living with mental health conditions.

Kathryn is not one to shy away from saying that she has had generalised anxiety disorder for many years, and experienced agoraphobia a couple of times. She is incredibly passionate about people living with mental health conditions, getting fair access to insurance.

Andrew has been working alongside insurers to determine the best ways to develop current medical underwriting stances, especially the language used, when it comes to mental health. He is currently developing a mental health training programme for advisers, so that they can support their clients fully.

Our 3 key takeaways:

  1. 8% of 16 – 24 year olds have had suicidal thoughts.
  2. Example of a Vulnerable Customer policy.
  3. Case study client that was able to have life insurance after a suicide attempt, without a permanent suicide or self-harm exclusion.

We always love to hear from you, please do let us know your thoughts of the podcast and if you think that our ramblings are good, bad or simply not your cup of tea.

CPD Notice
We are close to getting things set up so that you can easily record this podcast as part of your CPD, we’ll announce the launch of this soon. There will be a certificate you can download to add to your training records for evidence.

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Episode 4 of the Practical Protection Podcast can be accessed here:


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