Whilst COVID-19 has resulted in a huge downturn for the mortgage and protection market, the demand for Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney has soared. The Telegraph reported that there has been a 30% rise in Will requests in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, now is a perfect opportunity to get in touch with your clients and discuss their Will requirements.

How is Will writing possible with social distancing rules?

  • Our Will writing software allows remote instruction taking
  • Electronic signatures mean the process is entirely paperless until we post your client’s completed legal documents
  • Our Wills come with full signing instructions so it is not necessary for you to be present for the Will signing.
  • New rules introduced on 11th May mean that your clients can meet neighbours in their front garden and keep 2m distance to witness the Will signing.

What’s my earning potential?

Mirror Will – £170 commission

Lasting Powers of Attorney – £900 commission (a couple taking out both LPAs each)

Estate Plan – £642 commission (Mirror Will, 2 family Trusts and a deed of severance)

*As clients pay you the full amount for the planning and you just pay us our processing costs, the above commission is upfront.

Request a brochure

To request a brochure and learn more email Cheryl Hughes at:


or call 01564 732 740