We all know that the best sales results come from great pitches. It can be difficult to know when your client will be most receptive to a discussion around home insurance, or how to bring it up. However, if this deters you from even attempting the sale, you’ll automatically miss out on the commission income, every time.

To help you overcome this and convert more clients, Source have put together a simple framework for you to follow.

It’s all in the P.I.T.C.H

Paint a picture – whilst we don’t like to think about the worst-case scenario, it can benefit your clients to hear real life examples, to help them see the importance of adequate cover.

Identify their needs – get to know your clients to understand their insurance needs and help identify the right policy for them.

Tailor the quote – no one fits into a cookie cutter, so enable your client to assemble the policy they need, by tailoring their cover.

Counter any objections – prepare for the usual objectives brokers face and be ready to answer their points with genuine responses.

Highlight your USPs – don’t be too humble! Share the positives of your business to show your clients why they should use your service above any other.

Follow these steps with every client, and you should soon see an increase in your GI conversions.

Download our guide to the perfect PITCH https://www.thesource.co.uk/learninglab/perfect-your-gi-pitch/

For more support on your sales process, book a meeting with your Regional Sales Manager today.
