by Mark Hutchins, National Account Manager, UInsure

I’m always amazed at how many brokers still allow their clients to source their own general insurance. Many brokers still see products like home and contents insurance as an additional extra they can take or leave, so much so that they’re happy for a client to sort their own protection out using a comparison sites rather than offering them sound advice and ensuring they get the right product.

Worryingly consumers are often drawn to these sites for all the wrong reasons. One only has to switch on the television to see the latest gimmick such sites are offering. From cute meerkats to toy robots, each brand has its own free giveaway and, worrying as it may be, such offers are influencing consumers.

By allowing your client to get sucked in by these sites you are not only losing business (and a lucrative income stream) but running the risk of flouting TCF rules.

It is essential that, as a broker, you use your expertise to guide clients in the right direction. As long as you are partnered with a reputable firm, you have access to high quality, five star products, you have personal relationships with a provider and the use of state of the art facilities that will allow you to get the best deal and, most of all, you have industry knowledge that can be used to outwit these sites.

By addressing your clients GI needs you ensure they get the peace of mind of knowing they are protected in any eventuality. Surely that’s worth more than a gimmicky toy?