Golden Charter: Funeral Plans
The pre-paid funeral market has more than tripled in size since 2006, with over 210,000 plans sold in 2016 and more than 1.2 million plans now live.* But given that there are over 23 million people over the age of 50** the scope for growth is still huge. This is a great opportunity for you to start a new conversation with your current clients, offering them a wide choice of funeral director, with over 3,000 throughout the UK accepting Golden Charter plans.

A simple two page application form

No underwriting or rated premiums

Guaranteed acceptance – no medical questions
Common Selling Scenarios:

Homeowners with no or little savings
There is likely to be a delay with probate before a property can be sold but the funeral still needs to be paid for. A funeral plan can be activated immediately with one call when it is needed the most.

Clients with a rainy day fund/savings
This may not be sufficient to cover future funeral costs or keep pace with funeral inflation. An alternative is to use the savings to purchase a funeral plan to freeze the cost of the funeral directors services included in the plan at today’s prices.

Equity release customers
If clients are using their property to raise capital then a portion of this can be used to purchase a funeral plan.

Those that don’t fit life cover
There is no underwriting, health or lifestyle questions or rated premiums with our funeral plans and all clients are guaranteed to be accepted.

Over 50s
A typical client who purchases a funeral plan is aged 50 and over.
Earning Potential:
£500 for every Standard, Select and Premier plan you sell and £240 for every Value plan.
Alternatively you can refer your client via The Right Mortgage Referral service and receive £250 for every Standard, Select & Premier plan sold and £100 for every Value Plan.
Further information:
For further information or to book a training session, contact Golden Charter’s Sales Support Team on 0800 145 6520.
Alternatively, click here watch their webinar to find out more.
*Funeral Planning Authority Statistics 2017