Introducing Children’s Critical Illness Cover – made to measure for the whole family.

Add, upgrade or remove Children’s Critical Illness Cover at any time without giving Royal London any medical information

Breadth of cover
14 additional conditions,12 child specific conditions, terminal illness and death of a child covered with Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness – plus 45 main definitions including TPD for children

Pregnancy complications
Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness Cover also includes a new additional condition, covering nine different types of pregnancy complications, giving parents-to-be the reassurance that they’ll have some financial support during a difficult time
Product feature highlights:

With Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness Cover, if a parent-to-be is affected by the nine different types of pregnancy complications covered, Royal London will pay out £5,000 per pregnancy. In the case of multiple births for foetal death, still birth and neo-natal death, they’ll pay out £5,000 for each affected baby

Your clients’ own cover won’t be affected by any children’s claims that pay out

Whatever your clients decide, it’s easy for them to change their Children’s Critical Illness Cover over the phone – without having to give medical information