As part of our #QualityMattersMost campaign, this month’s area of focus is all about helping you to Beat the Comparison Sites. We’ve taken a look at the recently released Fairer Finance Report and have compiled some of the key figures from it for you.

We’ve laid these out as a printable PDF for you so that you can share them with your clients. You can download this by clicking here.

You’ll see that there are some highly alarming trends when it comes to Comparison Websites – such as some charging £300 more than other providers for the same policy, meaning that it’s more important than ever to help consumers understand the risk associated with Comparison Sites.


Our Beat the Comparison Sites webinar is taking place at 10am on Friday 11th May via our Twitter page. No need to sign up, simply visit the page on the above time and date and the webinar will be the top post.