Winter is coming… as the cold weather rolls in, it wreaks havoc with people’s pipes. So much so that escape of water (EOW) is the most common claim in winter. But why is this a big deal? Well, without the right cover in place, consumers can end up spending thousands of pounds of their own money to fix their home. At this time of year, inadequate cover can ruin lives. This is why we’re making it our mission this month to highlight just how important it is to have 5 star rated cover that won’t leave consumers out of pocket. Here’s a teaser of what to expect this month…

The perils of EOW – the key stats
We’ll take a look at some of the key EOW statistics that show why 5 star cover is so crucial.

Key stats

Top tips for avoiding EOW
We’ll share a number of top tips with you around how EOW can be avoided.


Video testimonials with brokers
We’ll be speaking to brokers, like yourself, who’ll discuss why a 5 star policy is so important when it comes to EOW.


You’ll be able to share all of the above materials and information with your clients when we send it across this month – it’ll really bring to life the risk that EOW poses and and emphasise just how comprehensive our 5 star cover is.

In the meantime, I’ve included a quick overview of Uinsure below which includes a link to our free to use Defaqto compare tool. Try it for yourself and compare our 5 star rated product against every other product in the market.

Uinsure in 20 seconds

Competitive Premiums 
Uinsure has some of the most competitive premiums in the market and our Price Beater functionality allows you to reduce these even further.

competitive premiums

Defaqto Compare tool
Compare the features and benefits of our 5 Star rated insurance product against others in the market, for free.

Click here to try it for yourself…

compare tool

Keeping it simple
We have the simplest question set in the market – it’s what makes our system so quick and easy!

keeping it simple

We’re 5 star rated
Both Defaqto and Moneyfacts have rated our insurance as being the most comprehensive cover in the market.

5 star rated

Award winning
Financial Reporter have crowned us as the best General Insurance Provider for the last 3 years!

award winning
By |2019-03-12T10:53:14+00:00November 17th, 2017|11. November, 17, 2017, Protection, Provider News|0 Comments

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