As part of this month’s area of focus, which is all about BTL / Landlord Insurance, we’ve created a printable PDF for you that highlights a number of key statistics. You can download this by clicking here.

You’ll see that there are some highly alarming trends, such as 40% of landlords having been subject to a tenant not paying their rent – this equates to £900m over the course of a year according to SimplyBusiness!

What these stats show is that there’s a clear need for quality BTL / Landlord Insurance, and that’s where Uinsure can help.

With Rent Arrears Indemnity cover, which is an optional feature of our 5 Star Rated BTL / Landlord Insurance, your rent arrears will be covered for up to 6 months (or until full and vacant possession is obtained, whichever happens soonest) for up to £2,500 per month.

For more information on our Buy-To-Let product, visit or get in touch with us at 0344 844 3844.