CherykPlease see below some important updates from our compliance department:

  • Welcome back – I am pleased to confirm that Ben Kosol is returning back to work on 13 October 2015. For those of you that do not know Ben, he is an experienced member of the Team who recently took some annual leave and will be returning back in the Compliance Department next week.
  • New staff – We  now have two additional members who have joined the Compliance Department; Mark Fazakerley and Leena Mistry. Both Mark and Leena have considerable experience in file review checking and will be a valuable asset to the team and will provide further support for you.
  • Making things easier –  I am delighted to confirm that we have now waived the requirement to obtain ID for protection cases only with premiums in excess of £50.00 per month. This new change has been updated on the Adviser website.
  • Polite Reminder – Please remember to follow our ‘Sales Process’ for mortgages in relation to bank statements and payslips. Our requirement is 3 month’s payslips/SA302s and 3 months bank statements for all applicants. There has been some confusion where a Lender may only want the latest payslip/ Bank statement, however, we still need to obtain the 3 months . See website – sales process
  • Notes section of the fact find – Please remember to include soft facts surrounding  the case as this all helps prevent telephone calls to and from compliance Department to clarify certain aspects of the case that may not be clear on the Key.
  • And Remember – we are only an email or a phone call away should you have any queries.