Premium and Interest Rate Optimiser are two innovative ways to help your clients get Whole of Life Cover they need at a more affordable upfront cost, so they don’t need to compromise on their level of cover.

If your clients take out Whole of Life Cover with either Premiums Optimiser or Interest Rate Optimiser, they’ll get an upfront discount on their premiums of up to 45%. And if they add Vitality Optimiser, this could rise to 67% (depending on their age), as well as giving them access to our healthy discounts and rewards.

So you can give your clients big upfront savings. Not big upfront costs.

Find out more about Whole of Life Cover with Premium or Interest Rate Optimiser.

 Work out the right solution for your client

Our new Premium Comparison tool compares the cost on our range of Term and Whole of Life plans, to help you work out which option is best for your client.

Use the Premium Comparison tool.