The move will mean that advisers will be able to obtain higher levels of cover for their clients.

From 9 June Vitality Nurses will resume face-to-face screenings with the introduction of new protocols and precautions to ensure the safety of both clients and staff. The return will be managed as a phased return of the team, with the intention to expand to full capacity over the next two months.

Deepak Jobanputra, Managing Director of VitalityLife, said: “The past few months have seen us change how we interact with people looking for life insurance and we have done much to evolve our offering and how we on-board people to reflect this.

“Following the recent change in restrictions by the government, we are pleased to be able to resume our face-to-face screening appointments again this week, which will further support people looking for life insurance, who need this review to activate their policy or finalise their underwriting.”

Vitality said its nurses have received infection control procedure training and will wear personal protective equipment (PPE) during appointments. It added that single use items will be disposed of safely, and all non-single use items will be sanitised after use.

Ahead of the screening, all clients will have to complete a pre-appointment questionnaire to identify COVID-19 exposure or symptoms, and will also be asked by the nurse and bookings team prior to attending any appointment, according to the insurer.

It added that if COVID-19 is suspected, the screening will be postponed. In addition, anyone classed as extremely clinically vulnerable, over 70, or with pre-existing conditions will be strongly advised not to have a screening appointment.

For more information on Vitality’s Coronavirus updates and to read our FAQs visit here.