Protection Update 4th February 2022

Protection update 4th February

  • February Roadshows
  • Client Facing Sales Aids
  • World Cancer Day
  • Writing Policies into Trust Webinars

Hi everyone and welcome to this weeks protection update.

It was good to see some of you on this weeks roadshows.  Well I say roadshows; they weren’t exactly ‘on the road’ as such because we had to do these over Zoom but in this uncertain world we’ve been living in over the past couple of years, we went into 2022 with a backup plan for our events and that was that if we couldn’t deliver them live and face to face – which is what we want to do – we still deliver them and we use technology which we know works.

Next round, will be live.  We’ve got the venues and dates, and we will announce them shortly.

But if you’re joining us next week, we’ve got 2 more roadshows.

Please join us if you haven’t already registered.

We’ve got some good content and important announcements to make so click on the links below and register – if you haven’t already.

Bob and myself will see you next week!

Tuesday 8th February 2022

10am- 1pm

Wednesday 9th February 2022

10am- 1pm

New Client Facing Sales Aids – available on the adviser site now!

Now I don’t want to spoil anything, but I’m delivering a session on these roadshows about advice quality.

It’s actually called “Raising the Bar – Reasons to Recommend Protection”.

Now I hope to let you have a protection insight podcast next week which will get into all of that detail but for those of you who have attended this week’s roadshows – those sales aids you saw are now available.

For those of you coming along next week – it will all make sense, but if you want a sneak peek; take a look at the adviser site.  Click on Protection and then choose Sales Aids and Tools.

At the moment, we’ve only got these sales aids specific to these roadshows on the adviser site so if you want to take a look and are intrigued; please join me and Bob next week on the virtual roadshows because I’ll show you the context to use these sales aids and how they can really help the raise the bar in terms of both protection advice quality and the income to your business.

I’ve added a link to this week’s protection update so please take a look:

Take a look at the new sales aids >> 

World Cancer Day – today 4th February!

There does seem to be a themed day for most things these days, but did you know that today (if you’re listening to this on 4th February) today is world cancer day.

Thankyou Catherine Roberts for your post on linked in because it reminded me to mention it.

I do think there is a danger sometimes that when you hear something often enough; we can get a bit desensitized and jaded by the message.

We talk about policies all the time.  Critical Illness, Serious Illness?

But let’s remember what that means?

It means that when something really devastating happens such as; you’ve been diagnosed with Cancer, your world has just been turned upside down and so has that of your families.

Yes, having a policy is a good thing because it allows the person suffering, the ability to keep focused on the main thing they really want which is to recover and get through this without having to also worry about money and finances.

Cancer, as you know is the biggest reason why anyone claims on a critical illness policy.  It’s horrible and nasty and it affects so many people in this country.

Just think about this for a second…

Has someone in your circle of family and friends had cancer?

I bet, it’s virtually every single person listening to this podcast that is answering yes to that question?

I think it’s important that every now and again, you stop and pause for thought about what you’re actually doing for your clients.  No, we can’t stop bad things from happening every day and we don’t know what’s around the corner.

But we can at least help fix the finances when bad things do happen.  That is protection in a nutshell.

The quality of critical illness protection on the market is pretty much the best it’s ever been.

Some providers have standard versions and enhanced versions of their critical illness policies so take a look at the difference in quality.

Explain this to your clients when you’re talking to them.

Yes you pay more for better quality, but the pay off is that you’re getting a better chance to claim.

So yes, today is world cancer day and there is a direction connection to what we do.  I’m know many of you have had clients who’ve claimed on their critical illness policy for cancer and it’s important to keep this in your mind because it simply reinforces what you do.

I lost one of my best friends just before the start of the pandemic to cancer and I miss him.  He did have lots of protection in place, but he didn’t make it.  That’s life but its good to keep talking to clients and helping them make the right decisions when it comes to the type of cover, they end up taking out.

Trusts Webinars in February – Writing Protection Policies into Trust

Did you know, that as a network, we’re doing pretty well when it comes to writing protection policies into trust at point of sale.

Vitality told me that in December, more than half our protection policies were written into trust at point of sale which is a remarkable achievement.

But that means half are not.

We ran a campaign last year called Trusts made simple, but this time around we’re going to look at a few other areas around the subject and it’s a different webinar and different subject matter.

For a start, we’re going to take a look at joint life policies.  Should they be written into Trust?

What about life policies with critical illness cover?  How does the trust process work there?

What about when you need to change or amend trustees on a trust.

Again, that’s another area we’re going to explore.

The registration links are now live, so please register.

Remember, we are only running 2x webinars so pick the date which is most suitable for you and join me there.

I’ve added registration links to this protection update.

So, it’s another short and sweet protection update this week.

Don’t forget to register for our trust webinars and roadshows which finish next week.  All the registration links are in this protection update.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you soon.

Wednesday 16th February 2022

10am- 12pm

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

10am- 12pm