With effect from 9am today, Tuesday 5th April, we’re making the following changes to our Lifestyle Select Options products.

We’re decreasing the interest rates on:

·         Lifestyle Select Ultra Lite (Standard & Flexible)

·         Lifestyle Select Super Lite (Standard & Flexible)

·         Lifestyle Select Lite (Standard & Flexible)

·         Lifestyle Select Gold (Standard & Flexible)

·         Lifestyle Select Gold Plus (Standard & Flexible)

The new interest rates will also apply to additional borrowing.

You can view our new interest rates here.

Product features

Our Lifestyle Select Options offer:

·         One-off tax-free payment with optional cash reserve facility

·         8 year fixed early repayment charges (ERCs)

·         Option to repay up to 10% of initial advance each year, ERC free

·         Optional inheritance protection guarantee

Learn more

You can find out more about our new interest rates here.

You can download more information on our products below:

Product Overview
– Home Finance
Lifestyle Select Options

– At a Glance

Our key documents
You can download the latest versions of our documents here:
·         Our charges

·         Additional borrowing interest rates 

Get in touch

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