Employee wellbeing is top of mind for business owners, and is a concern shared by their staff. We commissioned a new study which found that 79% of employees think their employers could do more to support their physical and mental wellbeing*.

Many companies are waking up to the idea of workplace wellbeing and the benefits it can deliver to their business but this hasn’t yet translated into enough action. Of employees surveyed:

  • ¾ believe that some of the National Insurance payments should be directed towards improving wellbeing
  • 70% do not believe the NHS has enough budget for wellbeing services
  • 6 in 10 think the Government could do more to promote wellbeing
  • 63% would use wellbeing services if their employer provided them

Actively supporting the wellbeing of staff helps ensure they make more informed and sustainable wellbeing choices. This in turn can make employees happier, healthier and more productive.

Wellbeing benefits and the positive working environment they promote can also help to attract and retain the best talent, ensuring staff feel happy and valued. Some of the most desirable services for employees include health check-ups, dental work, access to a gym and counselling.

The issue of wellbeing isn’t going away, and businesses that don’t take action risk falling behind the competition. It would be money well spent as the appetite is certainly there from employees.

It’s also a wider concern and something that affects the whole country. With the strain on the NHS worse than ever, preventative measures like wellbeing could help to reduce the strain on services.

Richard Holmes, our Director of Wellbeing, was on Sky News this morning discussing our recent health and wellbeing report.