Access our resources to help prevent employee burnout

If your clients haven’t had time to read our recent research on the employee retention crisis or they missed our webinar last week, we’ve put together these free resources to share with their teams to help retain employees and prevent burnout.

Useful Resources

Research report

Our report explores what’s causing so many people to consider changing jobs, what employers could do to retain them and how employees are feeling about their mental health.

Download now >>

Preventing burnout factsheet

This one page factsheet offers short to long term advice for HR teams and managers on preventing employee burnout.

Download now >>


Watch our recent webinar where our expert panel discuss the employee retention crisis in the UK, what can be done to reduce staff turnover and how to look after employee wellbeing to prevent burnout.

Watch now >>

Employee wellbeing blog

Your clients can also access our blog where we regularly post advice and insights to help support employee mental and physical wellbeing.

Read now >>

We hope your clients find these resources useful. Remember, your Westfield Health Intermediary Consultant is, as always, available to help. Please feel free to get in touch.

Best wishes,

The Westfield Health Team