We have recently updated our Terms of Business Agreement, a copy of which is attached.

Please note, you are receiving this communication as you are listed as a key contact for your organisation. If this information is not applicable to your role, please forward this update to the appropriate member of your organisation.

As your organisation is already an approved Intermediary there is no need to complete a further Intermediary Application Form and all key contacts of your organisation are already registered for access to iZone.


iZone is the dedicated WPA web portal for use by intermediaries. iZone offers instant online administration of Retail and Commercial policies 24/7, the ability to obtain quotations, submit and track new business applications, alongside useful resources such as a Literature Library, to ensure your teams remain compliant by using the most up-to-date Scheme literature. For a summary of all iZone’s features please click here.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the contacts we hold are correct and up-to-date. If anyone leaves your organisation, or the contacts change in any way, then you must let us know. The quickest and easiest way to do this is from within iZone itself or, alternatively, you can email admin@wpa.org.uk, providing your intermediary ID and amended contact information.

As stated above, the new Terms of Business Agreement is effective for all intermediaries from 01 January 2022. You do not need to take any action at this stage, but if you have any queries please contact admin@wpa.org.uk