Partner Goes Free Returns!

Our popular Partner Goes Free promotion is returning from  9 January 2018. The Partner Goes Free promotion entitles the second eldest member on the policy to benefit from the same level of cover as the Policyholder for free for the first year only. A 10% discount across the policy will apply in the second year.

If only one person is applying for cover a 25% discount will apply in the first year, with a 10% discount in their second year.


This promotion will be available for policies bought between 9 January 2018 and 2 May 2018.


Our current promotion; 25% discount in the first year with a 10% discount in the second year is running until 9 January 2018.


Promotions are available on the following plans:


  • Flexible Health (Essentials, Premier and Elite)
  • Multi-Family Healthcare Plan

Please click here for full Terms and Conditions.

Training Opportunities 2018

We have a number of dates available for our intermediary training days at WPA, Rivergate House, Taunton.  They are currently scheduled for:

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Thursday 8 February 2018

Tuesday 13 February 2018

During our training day you will get an insight into our customer service delivery, a demonstration of our award winning new operating system, DELOS; and full product training.


If you would like to refresh your knowledge, or are recommending a new team member comes down for training, please e-mail to register for one of the above dates.


Please provide your contact details, notice of any dietary requirements, and your area of interest (Private Clients, SME, Major Corporate, or mix thereof).

Andrew Bond

Business Development Consultant, WPA

(01823) 625265