From unlimited background portfolios to no stress testing scenarios! We’ve got BTL covered from A to Zephyr

For the varying needs of your portfolio landlord clients we can help the process run as smooth as possible, here are some of the benefits of sending your portfolio landlord’s business our way:

  • No background portfolio stress test; rental income simply needs to cover the Zephyr mortgage
  • Unlimited background portfolio
  • We partner with eTech’s BTL Hub to allow you to send through additional background information in a quick and simple way.
  • 2, 5 & 7 year fixed rates available with no upfront application fees across the entire range.

It’s a breeze with Zephyr

Try our illustrative calculator to see if your case fits. It’s easy to  and send cases through to us. Why not download our to help things run smoothly from App to Offer?

For help and support, get in touch with our expert team today on 0370 707 1894. 
Lines are open Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm. Emails and faxes sent out of hours will be replied to on the next working day.