In 2019, Zurich were proud to receive an FTRC gold award for our Income Protection Select.  As a reminder here are some of the award winning features.

Added value benefits – We can support your clients in a number of ways with the following benefits:

  • Rehabilitation support – Our team of rehabilitation nurses can help your client’s recovery and sometimes even pay for treatment if they need it
  • Return to work package – we will help your client ease back into work, allowing phased return to work benefit payments as an example
  • Career break – You can reduce your client’s cover for up to 12 months if they want to take a break from work
  • Multi-fracture cover – for an additional cost, our fracture cover could pay your client up to £6,000 per policy year if they break a bone, dislocate a joint, ruptures their Achilles tendon or tear a cruciate ligament in their knee.

Deferred periods – As you know, this is a key factor for clients to consider when selecting the right product.

  • We offer a wide range of deferred periods on both a single and dual basis.
  • Our deferred periods can also be adjusted as your client’s needs change during the life of the policy which may result in a change in premium.

Select benefits – In addition to our standard features, Income Protection Select offers a variety of additional benefits, including:

  • Hospitalisation benefit – if your client is in hospital during their deferred period for more than six consecutive nights, we’ll pay £100 for each extra night to a maximum of 90 nights
  • Trauma benefit – If an accident or illness leaves your client with one of 7 life changing conditions, we’ll pay up to £50,000
  • Family carer benefit – If your client’s spouse, civil partner or child is too ill to perform certain activities of daily living, we’ll pay up to £1,500 a month for up to 12 months

These are just some of the benefits, here you can take a look at our Income Protection benefits summary.   Income protection sales have been steadily increasing over the last few years, if you’d like to discuss how you can get back into Income Protection sales or dip into it for the first time and understand more about the products/market then call Andy King on 01793 405952 or email and he will either arrange this for you