When recommending critical illness cover, you’ll want to be confident that the plan you recommend will pay out when it needs to. We are proud to announce we’ve extensively upgraded our critical illness cover, meaning we now go even further to offer your clients protection they can rely on.

Overview of enhancements

·        Improvements have been focused on cancer definitions; we now cover all invasive forms of cancer and the majority of less advanced cancers.
·        Improvements to the most claimed for definitions in stroke, heart attack and multiple sclerosis.
·        Cover has been designed to future proof medical advances.
·        Simplified medical wording helps make it easier for a client to understand if they may have a valid claim.
·        Now covers 85 conditions in total – up from 58.
·        Additional payment conditions have increased from 12 to 32, which include 22 cancer specific conditions.
·        19 conditions are now ABI+… going above and beyond the industry standard.

Our new and improved plan doesn’t just include conditions that see a small percentage of occurrences; we’ve included meaningful conditions which not only make a real difference to the likelihood of a claim being made but will also withstand the ever-changing medical landscape.

For a full breakdown of these improvements and how this will make a difference to your client, take a look at our adviser brochure
Financial Protection your clients can rely on or give me a call on 01793-406169.