Scottish Widows, in partnership with Niche Health (the software provider) have introduced electronic General Practitioner reports (eGPRs) into the underwriting process for Protection.  Scottish Widows is part of an industry working group whose aim is to improve adoption of Niche’s software for use in protection.  The long term aim for the industry is to have a faster, more secure, less onerous method of evidence gathering.

The adoption of eGPRs will have the following positive impacts:


·         Reduce the time it takes to get medical information to underwrite applications (expectations are that once GPs are fully engaged with the new system this will reduce on average from ~ 30 to 3 days)

·         Cutting out delays will help ensure more customers are covered.  We know that the likelihood of an application not proceeding increases the longer it takes to get an underwriting outcome for a case.

·         Enhance the security of receiving medical information.  EGPRs are compliant with AMRA legislation, allow automatic redaction of irrelevant data (as well as manual redaction by the GP as required) and data is processed securely, encrypted to NHS standards.


These improvements will lead to a number of benefits for all involved:


·         GP – time saved in producing report, software is free, generates in minutes rather than prolonged review of records to complete paper form.  More time available to see patients

·         Adviser – the sooner evidence is supplied, the sooner we can make a decision about their client

·         Colleague – process is quicker, less paper wastage and failure demand


* Please note the service is not currently available in Scotland and Northern Ireland.



We will continue our proactive approach to engage with GP surgeries when requesting traditional GPR’s in addition to eGPR’s; offering upfront payment and agreed follow up.