AIG has created a fresh way to help The Right Mortgage advisers ensure their clients understand how AIG’s life insurance products can help them.

We introduce you to The Spencer Family

[1] – a fictitious family that is diverse in all aspects from economic and ethnic backgrounds to their everyday needs and family structure.

Read the Spencers’ stories below to help you explain how our ‘shop window’ of propositions really do suit all needs and circumstances and, somewhere in there, are a family just like your clients.

Over the coming months, you will see new and innovative ways in which The Spencer Family can help you and your clients.

Keep an eye on the Spencers dedicated web space, where you will find new support material updated on a regular basis.

[1] The Spencers are a fictional family. All names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the authors’ imaginations or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental