Only one in six have income protection*. Yet, our 2014 Deadline to the Breadline research shows that people could be on the breadline in just 29 days. For the majority of working age families (18-64 years old) this drops sharply to just 14 days. Income protection could be the right product for your clients at many stages of their lives. 92% of advisers also think that Income protection is undersold*. It can be viewed as expensive, complex and unaffordable by people.

To help you engage with your clients on income protection, we’ve created some new webinar events.

Sign up today so you don’t miss out. Starting on 21 November, we’ll be running six sessions over two weeks. Simply click on the link below to visit our ‘Go to Webinar’ registration page, choose the time and date to suit you and enter your details.



*Legal & General Income Protection Consumer & Adviser Research 2014, Gusto Research